
Modern Hebrew Vocabulary Videos

Posted on by Brooke

Jacob Richman offers a series of YouTube videos that teach modern (Israeli) Hebrew vocabulary. He organizes the videos by topic: for example, there is one on fun and entertainment, another on clothing and accessories, and so on.

Jacob’s YouTube channel includes other language vocab videos as well, including Spanish and English. As with any YouTube user channel, you can enter a search term in Jacob’s video box to narrow the selection: when I enter the term, “Hebrew,” I get a page with only the Hebrew videos (more or less).

The videos show still pictures and pointed (vocalized) Hebrew script, along with general-use transliteration and English translation, with the Hebrew word being read aloud. The format is clear and consistent. The videos focus only on vocabulary: they do not teach phrases, syntax, or plural forms.

You can find an index of the Hebrew videos on Jacob’s web site. The web site also includes other approaches to the vocabulary.